In the
busy thread below, this extended comment appeared. It contains some thinking
which requires extended response, so I’ve done a lift and here it is up front.
context is that the correspondent is a regular presence on the internet,
commenting on climate change and global warming. His view and mine are
In the
comment, he tries to explain why he thinks the way he does, to which I offer my
efforts to understand.
note that his first language is not English, and make allowance that some of
the expressions, which might sound abrasive, may be a function of linguistic
difference, not necessarily aggression.
we go:
Let me suggest something: Pull
back and consider that I am convinced you act in good faith and are honest, but
you have been brainwashed.
I too have been brainwashed.
The only difference is that I´m aware of the brainwashing and you seem to be
oblivious (like 99 % of the population).
is not a promising start. You set out by claiming your intellectual superiority
to me, in that you have a privileged (and superior) epistemic status, because I
am not aware that the world as I understand it is relative. I might be inclined
to disagree with this.
The brainwashing isn´t the
result of an overarching conspiracy. Some of it is genetic, some of it is
deeply ingrained culture, some is early education, and some of it is impressed
on you by the media, your friends, and your enemies.
Being brainwashed seems to be a
positive survival trait in homo sapiens. Although many brainwashed populations
were defeated and driven to extinction, others which practiced brainwashing as
a higher art form, or got a bit luckier seem to have survived more often thanks
to this brainwashing, which aligned most of society with the leadership, and
moved them to perform as requested.
is somewhat helpful. You are trying to describe your hypothesis, that our
perception of reality is conditioned. In particular, you emphasise the social
context of individual development (or call it the means by which I form my
Weltanschauung (‘World-view’).
Thus my position is that a lot
of what we believe is real isn´t really there. As my grandchildren would say,
it´s all bogus.
your expression is a little clumsy, what is coming out seems to be a much
simplified version of the ideas of Paul Feyerabend, for example, in ‘Against
Method’. Feyerabend’s views are well summarised in Wkipedia (here).
So how does this impact the way
I absorb information about global warming? First, I know there are actors
trying to manipulate me to behave in a certain way. Why? Because whenever an
issue arises which involves government decisions, subsidies, taxes, putting a
drilling rig on the public library grounds, and moves like that I have to be
manipulated to accept such decisions.
position gets a bit more complicated here. This is because you introduce the
Political realm. What you seem to be saying is that the information which is
available about global warming has the same epistemological status as the
information which we get from politicians or their employees. I think some
people might object to this.
Do you see why you really can´t
change my mind? As far as you are concerned I´m a ghost. I live in a different
universe. You are trying to debate global warming, and I debate the way
"they" manipulate us.
A part
of the complexity is that you seem to have thoroughly mixed your resistance to
political manipulation and your view of the nature of scientific endeavour. To
you, these are manifestations of the same phenomenon – the untrustworthiness of
given knowledge – and therefore they are the same thing. You reject Science as
a whole, wholesale.
And why do you think you
avoided the subject when I tried to use Kosovo and Iraq as talkng points?
Because your comfort zone is in global warming and the associated science. You
want to feel comfortable surrounded by your friends, sitting in a tall stone
tower from which you can fling arrows and stones at the enemy trying to scale
your walls.
you are making presumptions about me which are not justified. I avoid
discussing Kosovo or Iraq because I do not believe I have sufficient knowledge
or understanding to comment on these subjects; I have no expertise or opinion
which I trust.
your characterisation of me in the second sentence is laughable. I have spent considerable
time addressing your point of view and defending your right to express
yourself, even when you have been illogical and inconsistent, yet you accuse me
of attacking you. If you still see me as your enemy I would suggest that the
problem lies not in my attitude but in yours. You have already decided that we
must be enemies, so I cannot have any understanding of you or any human
compassion. This means I cannot win. Your mind is closed to my humanity and
identity; to you, I am just ‘one of them’. So who is acting in bad faith, you,
or me?
On the other hand, I see this
behavior as normal, quite human, and also misguided.
very patronising and wise of you.
Almost everybody is the same.
And this is why in the 21st century we see children being slaughtered with
laser guided bombs in Palestine, and we look the other way. We have been
brainwashed to accept this, and we can´t even bring ourselves to discuss it.
And the odds are this post may even be censored, isn´t it?
I have both permitted every statement you have made on this blog, and defended
your right of comment, even when it pushed libellous status, you have no
grounds whatsoever to imply I might censor you, so this is just a personal
To sum
things up as best I can. You claim to be my intellectual superior. You set out
a view of how the world (of understanding, or knowledge) is constructed. In
this, you explicitly reject Science wholesale; to you, it is just as much in
error as political propaganda. You frequently draw parallels between political
events and scientific knowledge. You then remind me of why I am ignorant and
accuse me first of being your enemy, then of repressing you, in spite of the visible
contradiction of these in this blog.
does this leave me? If, as you say, all science is deception, then we cannot
talk about science – not at all – by your terms there is nothing meaningful to
say about it. But neither can we talk about anything which we might
think of as being a shared human experience. So we cannot have any dialogue.
Besides this, you have demonstrated that you do not respect me as an individual
or as a human being; in particular, to you I am an inferior being. So you deny
me any motivation to continue the effort to engage with you. Finally, you have
established that, whatever I say and however I say it, you have determined that
I am your enemy. I don’t need enemies, I want friends.
conclusion, by your terms and rules, since there is nothing ‘true’ to say about
science, every comment you make on science is a piece of hypocrisy.
Furthermore, on your terms, nobody understands how things really are better
than you, so you will never consider the possibility that you might be wrong,
or the possibility that anyone else might have anything valid to say. This,
too, given your views on propaganda, is hypocrisy. You deny the subject, the
means, and the motivation to engage in dialogue. You have determined that discourse
is impossible, so, unless you give me some reason to believe otherwise, I can
do nothing better than remain silent.
now, that is all I have to say on the subject.