Friday, 10 February 2017

23 minutes to kiss the planet goodbye

Waking up in the middle of the night, the World Service was interviewing Myron Ebell.

I hope friends in the US can access this from the BBC World Service:

If you feel in the slightest depressed, don't listen till you are more cheerful. I haven't slept in the three hours since the show was broadcast, it's now around 06:30am.

A couple of sample take homes for the lazy:

  1. The EPA is to be gutted (staff cut by 2/3 and budgets slashed)
  2. The hiatus proves that there is no connection between CO2 and warming
  3. roughly: " it has recently been shown that the temperature record is a hoax". No, really.
Can you spot the glaring inconsistency? Others already have.

Really should go back to bed, but time seems to be getting more precious every day these days...

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